The opening of the headquarters of the Abu Dhabi Emirate Committee for the Federal National Council Elections 2015

11 July 2015

The Abu Dhabi Emirate Committee for the Federal National Council Elections of 2015 inaugurated its main headquarters in the building of the Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry. His Excellency Jabr Muhammad Ghanem Al Suwaidi, Director General of the Court of His Highness the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi - Chairman of the Abu Dhabi Emirate Committee, and in the presence of the members of the Emirate Committee, cut the traditional ribbon marking the opening of the headquarters of the Abu Dhabi Committee. Abu Dhabi Emirate, where His Excellency toured the committee's headquarters, the facilities it provides and the services it provides through a cadre of national workers who have been trained and qualified to provide services to the candidates in accordance with the highest professional standards.

His Excellency Jabr Mohammed Al Suwaidi urged the staff at the headquarters of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Committee to exert all possible efforts to serve and assist voters and candidates in a way that contributes to the success of the elections for the members of the Federal National Council in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, achieves the goals of the wise leadership and serves the aspirations of the people of the United Arab Emirates.

It is noteworthy that the Abu Dhabi Emirate Committee coordinates with the National Elections Committee with regard to technical and administrative matters. The tasks of the Abu Dhabi Emirate Committee focus on determining its headquarters in the emirate, notifying the members of the Electoral College of the final lists, providing forms related to the electoral process, identifying electoral campaign locations, proposing candidate registration centers and electoral centers in the emirate, and coordinating With the concerned authorities in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

The committee is also concerned with determining the venues for holding seminars and meetings that candidates conduct with voters and submitting candidacy application forms in the emirate to the Election Management Committee. It also receives appeals and submits them to the Election Management Committee and monitors the application of electoral campaign controls in the emirate.

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